January 29, 2007 – Atlanta Business Chronicle, Kent Hoover, “Businesses Wants Schools to Fix Defective Product.”
“‘It’s the business community that essentially hires the end product of the education system,’ said Bruce Josten, executive vice president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.”
January 9, 2007 – National Public Radio, Renee Montagne, Larry Abramson, “‘No Child Left Behind’ Law Up for Renewal.”
“The Bush administration is marking the fifth anniversary of the education law known as No Child Left Behind. In a speech yesterday, Education Secretary Margaret Spellings said the law introduced accountability for school children. Secretary MARGARET SPELLINGS (Education Secretary): ‘Before this act became law, we simply put the money out and hoped for the best. Kids were shuffled from grade to grade without any accountability, without any discussion of whether they could actually read, write, add or subtract.’”
January 9, 2007 – The Washington Times, Amy Fagan, “Republicans Seek Flexible School Funds; Bush Urges Education Act Renewal.”
“Key Republicans yesterday said President Bush's education reform law, which is up for renewal this year, should be changed to give states more control over funding and results, arguing that the federal government remains far too involved in local classrooms. Exactly five years after signing the No Child Left Behind Act, Mr. Bush met with a separate group of lawmakers, including Senate education panel chairman Edward M. Kennedy, to ask them to renew the law, one of Mr. Bush's signature domestic accomplishments.”
January 9, 2007 – The New York Times, Diana Jean Schemo, “Democrats Push for Changes to No Child Left Behind Law.”
“’The No Child Left Behind Act has brought important changes to our public education system, for example, by shining a spotlight on the persistent achievement gap that exists among different groups of students in our country,' Mr. Miller said. 'But if we are going to fulfill our original commitment to children and parents, then the law, its implementation and its funding must be improved.’''
January 8, 2007 – Congress Daily PM, Jessica Brady, “Spellings Opens Door To Changes In No Child Left Behind.”
“Marking the fifth anniversary of the landmark No Child Left Behind law, Education Secretary Spellings today expressed her willingness to work with the new Democratic majority to reauthorize the law that she said "has always enjoyed bipartisan support" -- but stopped short of endorsing any specific changes that lawmakers are now discussing. Speaking before the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Spellings strongly defended the law's basic principle of tracking grade-level proficiency with subject tests, which she said "helps teachers by providing them with information to better manage their classrooms." But she also said she would strongly consider including so-called growth models in the reauthorization measure this year.”
January 8, 2007 – USA Today, Greg Toppo, “How Bush Education Law Has Changed Our Schools.”
“The law turns 5 years old today. It faces a tough future as Congress prepares to reauthorize it -- a group of 100 education, religion and civil rights leaders today announces an effort calling for ‘major changes.’ Is it improving education nationwide? It's too early to tell -- many schools didn't get around to enacting most of its more than 1,000 pages of regulations until two or three years ago. U.S. Education Secretary Margaret Spellings says the law wasn't being fully implemented in all 50 states until 2006. But one thing is certain: No Child Left Behind has had a major influence on the daily experience of school for millions of kids.”
January 4, 2007 – The Washington Post, Amit Paley, “‘No Child’ Law on Track, Spellings Says.”
“‘We've made more progress in the last five years than the previous 28 years,’ Spellings said. ‘Can the law be improved? Should we build on what we've done and all of that sort of thing? You bet. But I don't hear people saying: ‘You know what? We really don't need to have education for all students.’”
January 2, 2007 – National Public Radio, Michele Norris, Mellisa Block, “The Future of ‘No Child Left Behind.’”
“When President Bush was asked about his 2007 domestic agenda during his last news conference, he said he wanted to keep American workers competitive. President GEORGE W. BUSH: ‘Part of the competitive initiative agenda, which I have been working with Congress to recognize, is that the education of the young is going to be crucial for remaining competitive. And that's why the reauthorization of No Child Left Behind is going to be an important part of the legislative agenda going forward in 2007.’”