In The News

News Archives – February 2008

February 28, 2008 – San Francisco Chronicle – High school dropouts cost state billions
If California hopes to stop hemorrhaging the billions of dollars it spends by producing so many high school dropouts, the state needs to give schools better incentives to hold on to troubled students, change its graduation requirements and do more to plug the problem, researchers warn.

February 28, 2008 –Miami Herald – Former Bush economist, teachers urge more education spending
With Florida's schools facing more budget cuts, former Gov. Jeb Bush's top economic adviser joined Miami-Dade County's teachers union Thursday in urging that lawmakers spend more on education, not less.

February 27, 2008 – San Diego Union-Tribune – Schwarzenegger wants interventions for failing school districts
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger recommended severe or moderate sanctions for nearly half the 97 California school districts that have persistently failed to make progress under the No Child Left Behind Act. “Students who have persistently lagged behind have suffered too long, and they need our help right now,” Schwarzenegger said in a statement issued before a scheduled news conference at a Sacramento school.

February 26, 2008 – TIME – A Voter's Guide to Education
Most education policy, as well as roughly 91% of the funding, comes from the state and local level. But as No Child Left Behind showed, a change in federal policy can still have a big impact.

February 26, 2008 – TIME – How to Make Great Teachers
We never forget our best teachers—those who imbued us with a deeper understanding or an enduring passion, the ones we come back to visit years after graduating, the educators who opened doors and altered the course of our lives.

February 26, 2008 – TIME – How They Do It Abroad
When school starts each year, the most important question on the minds of parents and children is, Who will my teacher be? The concern is well founded. Researchers have discovered that school's deepest influence on learning depends on the quality of the teacher.

February 24, 2008 – Las Vegas Sun – Widening education gap
A new study shows that going to college is important for improving economic stability and halting the growing divide between Americans who attain a college education and those who do not. The report, “Getting Ahead or Losing Ground: Mobility in America,” is the first in a series of studies on the economic mobility of Americans sponsored by the Pew Charitable Trusts, a nonprofit public policy research group.

February 20, 2008 – New York Times – Higher Education Gap May Slow Economic Mobility
Economic mobility, the chance that children of the poor or middle class will climb up the income ladder, has not changed significantly over the last three decades, a study being released on Wednesday says.

February 20, 2008 – The Wall Street Journal – Grading Neighborhood Schools
Education -- an issue that affects everyone in some way or another -- is an ideal candidate for discussions on the Web. There, parents, students and teachers can ask questions under the cloak of Internet anonymity, which enables conversations about personal topics such as learning disabilities and teacher conflicts.

February 20, 2008 – Detroit News – Michigan making progress on education reform
Michigan has made more progress on tightening its K-12 academic standards than most states, according to a national study released today by a Washington, D.C.-based education reform group.

February 18, 2008 – The Washington Post – Rhee Weighs Ideas to Fix 27 Schools
Here's what life could be like in low-performing District schools this fall: Students at six elementary schools would get scripted lessons, dictating what teachers should say and how the class should respond.

February 15, 2008 – Christian Science Monitor – Chicago looks to 'turnarounds' to lift failing schools
Harvard Elementary School is one of several public schools in Chicago to get a “top-to-bottom housecleaning in recent years – including replacing the principal and most teachers – in a bid to lift student achievement out of the nation's academic basement.”

February 8, 2008 – Business Roundtable – Accenture CEO William Green to Chair Business Roundtable's Education & Workforce Task Force
Business Roundtable has named William D. Green, Accenture chairman and CEO, as chairman of its Education & Workforce Task Force. Mr. Green will succeed Arthur F. Ryan, the current chairman and former CEO of Prudential Financial, Inc. Mr. Green will advance the efforts of Business Roundtable, an association of 160 chief executive officers of leading U.S. companies, to ensure that American students and workers have the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the growing international economy.

February 7, 2008 – The Education Trust – Texas study finds teacher quality gaps throughout state
According to a report released today by The Education Trust, low-income students, Hispanic students and African-American students in the 50 largest school districts in Texas are less likely to be assigned to fully certified teachers, less likely to be assigned to experienced teachers, and less likely to attend a school with a stable teaching force than are other students educated in those very same districts.

February 4, 2008 – The Washington Post – Finding time for success
Under mounting pressure to raise achievement in public schools, a handful of states and cities and many charter schools are seeking to squeeze more hours, days and even weeks into the academic calendar to ensure students get the reading and math lessons they need without sacrificing music, art or even recess. The Washington Post discusses the advantages of the extended day. 

February 4, 2008 – United Press International – Ed. budget funds No Child Left Behind
The budget for the U.S. Education Department demonstrates commitment to No Child Left Behind, Education Secretary Margaret Spellings said Monday. President George W. Bush unveiled Monday the Education Department budget, which included $24.5 billion for No Child Left Behind and $14.4 billion for Title I grants to high-poverty schools.

February 1, 2008 – International Herald Tribune – Bush education budget is level, seeks boost for reading program and vouchers
In a year when many federal programs are in line for hefty budget cuts, President Bush is asking Congress to largely leave education alone, and seeking more money for a controversial reading initiative.