In The News

Editorial and Op-ed Archive March 2008

March 30, 2008 – Washington Post – “5 Myths About No Child Left Behind”
It's the 800-pound gorilla of U.S. education. The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), the sweeping legislation enacted six years ago to improve public schools, seems to make a lot of people unhappy. But President Bush, undaunted by the barrage of criticism aimed at this beleaguered measure by states, teachers' unions and politicians on both sides of the aisle, is pushing Congress to reauthorize it this year . Many Capitol Hill observers believe that it won't survive without the political clout a new president and Congress would bring -- but after a starring role in five straight presidential elections, education is a bit player at best in the 2008 race. Could these widespread myths about No Child Left Behind have poisoned the well?

March 28, 2008 – Houston Chronicle – “Back to School”
The name of the federal education reform law says it all: No Child Left Behind — literally, no child is to be left behind to suffer the stunted life that goes with illiteracy, innumeracy and ignorance of science, history and civics. Now, it appears, the Department of Education is inclined to inject a bit of reality into the measure.

March 28, 2008 – Washington Business Journal – “No Child law fixes: Don't leave them behind”
It is regrettable that Congress will not reauthorize the No Child Left Behind education law this year. Though many educators and politicians want the law to disappear, focusing on its flaws rather than its fundamental benefits is shortsighted. Without reauthorization, our public school students will continue to suffer from a performance management system that is only half-baked.

March 27, 2008 – The Herald Bulletin – “Keep up the progress”
Progress is being made to reach the goals of the No Child Left Behind Act. The Herald Bulletin’s editorial bulletin writes, “The goals of No Child Left Behind are admirable, and we encourage teachers, administrators and, just as importantly, parents, to keep moving in the direction of bringing up the reading and math standards of our students.”

March 13, 2008 – Sacramento Bee – “David Long: A state plan that will help struggling schools”
Californians have a lot to be proud of when it comes to our education system. According to U.S. News & World report, we are home to 23 of the top 100 high schools in the country, and we continue to see signs of overall improvement in California public schools in terms of test scores and the number of students taking more challenging courses that prepare them for college or the workplace.

March 6, 2008 – Washington Post – “Virginia Left Behind: Opting out of No Child Left Behind would be a costly mistake”
Legislation is progressing in the Virginia General Assembly that would pull the state out of the No Child Left Behind law's oversight. No matter that the law has helped boost student learning and narrow the achievement gap, that schools are more accountable, and that students who go to failing schools now have options.

March 3, 2008 – Investor’s Business Daily – “First things first in school reform”
No Child Left Behind is once again under attack for its focus on basic skills. We agree that students should read more history and great literature, but what if they can't read?