March 28, 2007 – Los Angeles Times, “Hard knocks; The No Child Left Behind Act needs an overhaul to be of any benefit to students and schools.”
Credit the No Child Left Behind Act for this: It helped to reveal how little learning was going on in many classrooms, especially those with poor and minority students. As a result, educators are working to change that. This is no small accomplishment.
March 26, 2007 – Washington Post, Edwards M. Kennedy, “No Retreat on School Reform”
No Child Left Behind is not just a slogan. It's a national commitment, inspired by our fundamental values and aspirations. It's a promise to do all we can so that every American child receives the high-quality education he or she needs and deserves. We may never achieve that lofty goal, but if we hope to keep America strong and just, prosperous and free, we can never stop trying.
March 21, 2007 – San Diego Union Tribune, “Accountability counts | No Child Left Behind should not be scrapped”
Congress is supposed to reauthorize No Child Left Behind this year and, for the good of our schools and the welfare of future generations, it should get on with the process. Lawmakers should fix No Child Left Behind where it needs fixing but they must preserve the spirit of the law. They certainly shouldn't do anything that undermines the reason for the law in the first place, as if to say that Americans will once again tolerate mediocrity in our schools.