February 27, 2008 – USA Today – Missing in campaign '08: The education candidate
Listen to the fevered rhetoric of the presidential candidates and you get the impression that the country is in a state of crisis. They have talked pointedly about the war in Iraq, the ailing economy and the need for health care reform. Taxes, immigration and the war on terror? All accounted for. Yet one issue that's key to our nation's security, prosperity and future has barely been discussed in the more than 30 hours of debates: education.
February 14, 2008 – Des Moines Register – Keep up push for rigorous school standards
Momentum for setting rigorous state education standards is growing at the Statehouse. Legislation filed last Friday would make progress toward the goal of assuring equal academic opportunities for all Iowa children, but key pieces of the bill need work.
February 10, 2008 – The Birmingham News – No Child Left Behind delivers on its promises
When the Bush administration unveiled the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001, I was confident its place in history would be secure. Based on more than 35 years of experience in education in Alabama at all levels, I was sure No Child Left Behind would be the Edsel of education reform.
February 7, 2008 – Austin-American Statesman – Teacher quality at fault in the achievement gap?
Achievement gaps facing poor and minority students in Austin and Round Rock, can be attributed in large part to gaps in teacher quality and experience, according to a statewide report released today.
February 5, 2008 – Los Angeles Times – Charters' competitive edge
Charter schools -- public schools that have been exempted from selected state and local regulations -- are changing the competitive landscape of American elementary, middle and high schools. Some have had a rocky track record; some have been plagued by mismanagement and poor performance. But overall, the exchange of greater autonomy for greater accountability has worked. Those that have failed to perform have been shut down.
February 5, 2008 – San Jose Mercury News – Presidential campaigns need to focus more on education
I listen to POTUS '08 (President of the United States) on my car satellite radio. The programming on POTUS is an insider's view into the election process of 2008. My listening daily probably qualifies me as a true political junkie and, I admit, I am hooked.
February 4, 2008 – Education Week – Where’s the ‘Child' in the No Child Left Behind Debate?
Listening to recent debates in Congress and on the presidential campaign trail regarding the reauthorization of the federal No Child Left Behind Act, one might wonder where the aforementioned “child” is.
February 3, 2008 –The Washington Times – Reauthorizing NCLB
As Congress hammers out legislation reauthorizing the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) program, we are hopeful that its authors will be mindful of expanding local control and flexibility, improving the sophistication of student testing methods and increasing merit-based pay for teachers.