June 7, 2007



The Business Coalition for Student Achievement – representing a diverse coalition of business leaders from every sector of the economy – strongly urges Congress to reauthorize and strengthen the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act this year. The Coalition believes that improving the performance of the K-12 education system in the United States is necessary to provide a strong foundation for both U.S. competitiveness and for individuals to succeed in our rapidly changing world. 

The U.S. business community is committed to working with policymakers, educators, parents and students to prepare our youth to meet the challenges of higher education and the 21st century workplace.

NCLB, one of the vital tools needed to transform the U.S. education system, strengthens accountability in America’s public schools to ensure that every single child receives a good education. NCLB provides parents, teachers and communities with the information they need to help children meet high standards and prepares American students to achieve in school and succeed in an increasingly competitive workplace.

NCLB is working. Unfortunately, misinformation about NCLB undermines the law’s potential for continued support and success. Our goal is to dispel the most common myths around NCLB so that we can continue to make progress in educating our children. Here are the Top Ten Myths about NCLB, along with the facts to help set the record straight.

To download a copy of the Top Ten Myths or for more information visit

To order copies: email


The Business Coalition for Student Achievement